Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Golden Globes

Congrats Mo'!!! You totally deserved to win your very first Golden Globe, I am so proud of you! More than anything, I'm so GLAD you stepped it up and finally started using Sam Fine as your makeup artist!! Now, because ur my GURL, I won't be rude and go dig up a picture of what your makeup USED to look like, Pre-Sam. Cuz that IS rude. But what I WILL do is post some of the pics I've seen floating around lately, of you sporting that signature Sam Fine Contour! I am just in love with your new look! And even if I never ever get to beat your face down to the ground, you are still one of my favorites. Love you, Mo'Nique!

Mo before the Premiere of Precious, with the almighty himself, Mr. Sam Fine:

On a groupie note, I just love how Sam does some of his best work in jeans and a fricking tee shirt. Siiiigh. But, whatev...

Mo's Alter Ego Shoot with famed photographer, Derek Blanks (whom I also hope to one day work with):

And, of course, the Golden Globe Award goes to:

 You've come a looong way, Baby!! And I just wanted to take this moment to let you know that I could not be happier for you, Ms. Mo'Nique. Do it, Betch!!


Beautiful Day