Monday, June 28, 2010

My new 'Outta Depression Hair'

OK so if you guys follow my other blog then you know I've been in a huge funk lately. Huge. It was deep and dark and ugly for a minute, though I don't think I blogged about the deep dark ugly 'stuff'. Anyway, I hadn't been wearing any makeup (or doing any, for that matter), keeping up with my hair (hello hats and scarves, you are my friends), or taking very good care of my skin (i was too afraid to take pictures of my actual pores to post them in the last blog. It would've been too scary.) and I was just an all around mess. No one saw me very much and I barely talked to anyone. I was in crisis in so many ways and hesitant to even call what i felt a depression because that word just seemed so serious and hopeless, and I just wasn't ready to deal. Thankfully, I was able to get the help I needed, and I'm on my way--slowly and with great care--back to full medipacks. (For those of you who didn't play Lara Croft: Tomb Raider on PlayStation and don't know what a medipack is, click here.)

So, one day while roaming around the beauty supply store looking at all the hair and NYX makeup I would never buy, I stumbled across a mannequin with the fluffiest, softest curls I'd ever seen in this store. I immediately began to drool. A thousand questions ran through my mind, foremost being "How much is this hair??" and "How come I've never seen it here before??"  After some investigating, I discovered the price ($44.99/pack) and the origin ("Its new, we just got it."). I wanted that hair. And I had to have it. But I was in between paychecks and couldn't justify paying $90 for hair at the time.

After I left the store, i felt very down. I wanted that hair!! I cursed my life for not having enough money to even buy $100 worth of my favorite hair, lol. *it was very serious* I drooled and daydreamed over this hair for about a month before I finally went back a few weeks ago, in a fit of depressed anxiety, and just bought it.
Internally, I struggled with the price all the way home, especially since a huge thunderstorm chose that precise moment to 'rain on my parade' and I found myself walking home in the rain with NO umbrella, but a bag full of new baby soft hair. But I didn't care. I'd needed something to make me feel better, and the hair worked perfectly. I decided in that moment that this would be my "I'm out of my depression and ready to be a diva again!" hair. My legs could not get me home fast enough to crack open those boxes and cut the twisty tie off the rolls and rolls of crinkly curly fabulousness!!! I don't know, y'all. There's something about the feeling of sliding that fresh roll of hair straight outta the box, smelling it, stroking it like a new kitten, holding it up in the light to check the blendableness (yes, I know that's not a real word. shuddup.) with my own hair. *smh* Instantly i noted that the color was too light, but since I'd already cut it open, I couldn't return that one pack. So, the other pack had to go back for a darker color.

Next, I had to find someone to cornrow my hair. This was always the hard part. Sewing tracks in was NOTHING compared to the hassle of finding someone to do my cornrows, or worse, trying to do them myself. #ohthehorror. It took me almost 3 weeks to get my cornrows done (just last Thursday) and now that they're done, its about 7402 degrees FAHRENHEIT outside and the last thing I wanna do is sew some long hair in :-(. Sigh. I will get to it, though probably not in the next few days. It's simply too hot. Besides, my depression isn't completely lifted yet so I still have time. When I come back to full divadom, I wanna come back RIGHT! So, I'll save it until then.

Here's a link to the hair:

I can't figure out how to get a picture of it saved so you can see it directly, but if you click the link, it will take you directly there. I'll still work on the picture, though.

I can't wait for some less humid weather (and some sunnier emotional days too) cuz I will SHO NUFF (my homage to Julius Carry III) get it going with this hair!!

Later lovies!


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