Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Guess who's going to VEGAAAAASSSSSSSS??!

Thaaats right, lovies! Ya girl is headed off to the city of S-I-N on October 23rd for the premier and exciting launch of "Makeup Artists: The Who's Who in the Industry"!!! Can you say BOOSTED!? I CAN! I'm superboosted, supergeeked, and completely and totally proud of myself that I was able to put together a plan to get there. I swear, I got in by the skin of my damn teeth, but...I'm in. Can you believe it?!
And y'all KNOW I have my hair and makeup allll picked out already, lol!  Old Hollywood Glamour is the theme of the event so you know what that means, right?  Soft waves, maybe some pin curls, a flower behind one ear, charcoal smokey eyes, and the must have-must die for-super sultry red lips.  *shivering*  That weekend cannot get here fast enough, I tell ya. 

Forget that I'm going to be featured in a book--my first ever, btw.  Forget that it'll be my first time in Vegas, staying at the Bellagio. FORGET that the entire event will be on ET and Access Hollywood AND that the footage from the filming of it is gonna be the pilot episode for a TV show in the works where I might also be featured as part of the International Makeup Artist contest. Fuhgeddaboudit!  I'm just stoked about the chance to be in that energy, surrounded by like-minded individuals, dressed to the nines and glammed to the hills, lol. And the cherry on the top is that I am sharing it with one of my favorite people in the entire world, my mentor and personal Guru Ms. McLean.  
Not only is the event for a wonderful cause, but it's just sooo....ME! Its how I'd live my life everyday if I could. I'm excited about the book tour, about the book itself which is gonna be fab, about being featured. Everything. Just....everything, lol.  Linda is such a doll, love her energy, her passion and enthusiasm for this project, and her vision for us in this tough industry. She made me an offer I couldn't refuse...and it may turn out to be my career's biggest blessing to date.

and to think, I almost missed it. I almost chose to not believe in myself enough to put in the extra effort. Just sad. Shame on you, Chica!

Okay, I'm off to get back to work but I just wanted to update you guys on the progress and share my good news.

*doing the Beyonce dance!*

I'm going to Vaaaygus, I'm goin ta Vaaayyyguss! Jeah!

Head to the skies, eyes on the prizes Lovies!


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