One of my goals for the past few years has been to blog consistently. I was very hesitant to even get into blogging initially because, well, i'm pretty long-winded and blogging didn't seem to be the platform for that. After much discussion with my inner self, I decided to jump right into it. And immediately stepped on the brake. Whoa! What had I gotten myself into?? Uh, HELLO??!!!
Because most people know me as a makeup artist, naturally, everyone encouraged me to become a beauty blogger. The problem with that was always this: I'm not le product whore. Working makeup artists don't buy new products as often as makeup enthusiasts do, so alot of the FOTD that I did were using the same products over and over. That's what I did for clients, it's what i did for myself. Soon enough, i began to feel self conscious that I was employing enough variety in my makeup I stopped blogging. It went from being something fun that i looked forward to to being a chore that I had to constantly find new material for. it was a damn full time job!! I had NOT signed up for all that! Days, weeks, months went by and i found myself writing online but not in this blog. There were other issues and things I wanted to discuss that weren't makeup-related, so i made up, like, 5 other blogs just to talk about the things I wanted to talk about. And you guessed it, after about 2 weeks, I was wanting to erase the word blog from the English language. I couldn't figure out how other bloggers did it. Was i really supposed to talk about makeup and nothing else?? I ain't got it. And I wasn't gon' get it, either.
I was mad. LOL! At who, I don't really know but, yeah, I was hella salty that i couldn't combine all my thoughts into one blog. I had so much to say and alot of the times, most of it had absolutely nothing to do with makeup. Arrrgh!!! I.was.pissed! So finally, I abandoned my poor little blog. Each day, i would write posts in my head and promise myself to add them to my other blogs, but it never happened. I was too damn mad to write, lol. The makeup posts would come every now and then, when i was really in the mood but otherwise, eh. #pass. #fail. Eventually, I got tired of managing 4 different blogs, and tried to find a way to combine them. That didn't really work either, so I just shut the other ones down and opted to focus solely on this one. Then hell broke loose in my life and my last thought was "uh, blog who??" O_o
*scratches head*
It is now February 2, the day before my birthday, and I have a lot more free time to blog than I did way back when. Still don't have a lot of new makeup, lol, but I've decided that that don't e'em matter. I'ma just blog about what I want to blog about anyway, even if I'm the only one who reads it. *big cheesy grin* Jeah, cuz I goes HARD like dat in the paint!
(Not really. I'm just tired of having to manage so many separate blogs.)
Once I figure out hot to import all the other ones into this one, we'll be back in the sack!
Later gators! (i do have a lot more to say, but it's 3:04am which means it's time to blow this Popsicle stand)
Yay @ blogging for yourself!
ReplyDeleteI'm always shocked when you pop up on my google reader. **hint hint**