Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Reina!

Today is my baby's birthday! Thats right, today, my closest and most dear friend turns the ripe old age of 29...wit her old ass, lol.  She and I have been friends since 2003...which seems like a lifetime ago.  We've had so many ups and downs, I think we give new meaning to the term "ups and downs".  But, through everything that has and hasnt happened, we have stuck by each other, like Golden Girls. I think we may actually have been sisters in another life because we fight like real siblings, lol. I wouldn't trade her for a singe solitary thing though.

Yesterday, around 11/12ish, she emailed me a link to an antique vanity that she found on craigslist.  she was practically drooling so I knew i wanted to get it for her, for her birthday.  She'd emailed the owner about it and was waiting to hear back from him.  So I call him IMMEDIATELY and it's still available. I told him to make sure that if he received an email from some one by her name, an email address like hers, ANYTHING...tell her it's been taken.  He laughs, but agrees. Initially, he offered delivery but then said that his car was too small.  So, i have to call a friend with a van to borrow for the pick up. 

The friend says "my van's full of Salvation Army donations so there's no room." At this point, I can't afford to rent a truck and buy the vanity, so I feel screwed. I've already committed to picking up the vanity so I have to figure out a way to get it now.  Meanwhile, back at the ranch, i've done whatever my latest bonehead bff stupid thing is and she's angry with me...and now doesn't even want to see me on her birthday.  Bummer.  Not even talking to me. Sigh.  I can't decide if I should still get the vanity, knowing we'll eventually talk again, or just skip it and get her something later. The petty bitch in me wanted to skip it, but my love for my friends runs real deep and I knew I would regret not getting it later when we were back on speaking terms.  So, the friend with the van says she can't donate her stuff to the Salvation Army until Saturday because they close early on weekdays. Sigh. So, I offer to drive the stuff down to the Salvation Army to make room for the vanity the next day.  There was a TON of stuff in the back of that damn van!! I only had time to go on my lunch break so I had to split the donations up in to two trips (lunch time yesterday and lunch time today) just to make sure everything got donated and there was enough room.  The first trip was a nightmare because Duke Street closed down in the middle of the gatdamn day so I was stuck in traffic for an hour. Simultaneously, I'm trying to iron things over with her on the IM while driving and cursing at the traffic. It was a hot mess. Try typing an apology on your phone's little ass keyboard while stuck in traffic on a one lane street knowing full well you've been gone longer than your lunch hour. See how happy you feel. LOL.

Anyway, the second day--today--went okay. Today was just a matter of planning how to get it into the house without her seeing me or vanity.  Luckily, she was out running an errand at the same time I was picking up the vanity. So, I called her husband to make sure she wasn't home, and wouldn't be any time soon.  She'd already said she didn't really want to see me this week, but I had to deliver the vanity anyway because there was nowhere else for it to go. Ten minutes away from her house, I got lost.  Just, turned around for no damn reason. Her husband is on the phone trying to talk me to the house but I'm so nervous because I just KNOW she's gonna get back before me...and my nervousness is making me make stupid mistakes...all while driving someone else's van that I'm not used to.  i mean, tires screeching, running lights, honking at pedestrians, giving ppl the finger. Sigh. I was in a hurry, lol. On the phone with the husband, i'm LITERALLY turning on to her street when he says "awwww, she's here :-( You're too late, she just pulled up. Sorry." Ugh, BUMMER!!

I tried to think of something else he could take her out to do so I could sneak it in...but his tone let me know he was done with me for the night, lol. And when I pulled up, she was right there :-(. Ah well. i tried. He helped me unload the van, and we took it inside.  Since it'd been broken down to pieces, she didn't recognize it at first...but it didn't take long for her nosy behind to put two and two together. So when i brought the final piece in, she was all "i know what you did! yay!!".   though I would've preferred to just drop it off and not disturb her, and to have it be a total surprise, i can't say I'm unhappy that I was there to see her happy face.  We hugged, and she thanked me, and we high fived, lol.  It was great. There were some hoops, but in the end, her cheesing smiling face--coupled with her lil happy dance--made it worth every second.  The van that i'd borrowed had a low battery and i couldn't turn it off while i unloaded, so i didnt get to stay long but I'm so thankful I got to see her on her pre-birthday evening, even if only for a second.

happy birthday, mama. i heart ewe <3.


Score one for the Mommy, once again.

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