Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Inspired by Ginger

Hello Again everybody! So sorry to have been gone for so long :-(.  My laptop crashed, plus you know the fall is the slow season for makeup so not much has been going on lately.  I never did get those proofs from that photographer that I worked with. We've since parted ways and don't work together anymore.  So I've been doing my mommy thing, working, getting ready for Christmas, going back to church, and I started online dating, lol...if you can believe that. I've been a busy little bee.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand.

Yesterday, Ginger--a fellow DC Sistagirl-- posted about some MAC colors that she likes.  It inspired me to use them ( cuz you know I have them too, lol) and I took pictures.  I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad for the inspiration because I was feeling real BLAH about makeup. Had been for a while. But, yesterday?? got my second wind, and I'm ready to play again.  Which means I get to buy new colors, try new products (including holiday stuff, which i love) and have an excuse to take pictures of myself, lol. YEAH!!!

I'm a *hot mess*.

Here's my post from yesterday:

Morning All,

So, I was inspired by Ginger's post this morning and decided to do some Peachtwist in the Winter ( i only ever wear it in Spring and Summer).  It came out okay, but I had to contour it a bit so that it wasn't so "I've been standing outside in the cold way too long" rosy.  A few of them may have come out a little blurry (sorry)...

The eye colors are Amber Lights (inner), Brash (Center), Spiced Chocolate (outer V), and I threw in some Cranberry to blend the two outer colors, just for old times sake since that color is so daggone old, lol. 

Cheeks are contoured with Blunt (which is my favorite contour color, btw), topped with Peachtwist, and highlighted with my highlighter-of-the-moment Mineralize Skin Finish in Porcelain Pink.  This skinfinish also comes in a bronzy color but I'm stuck on this one right now, lol, so I'll probably get the bronze one next spring.

Liner is Blacktrack, Concealer is the BB concealer kit in Golden, and Mascara is Loreal Voluminous in Carbon (since last month, i've been doing the one with the curved brush and it makes a HUGE difference, IMO), BB tinted Moisturizer in Dark Tint, and finished with MAC Mineralize SkinFinish in Medium Dark (which is my winter powder when i get pale again). Oh, and then the lips are just the basic everyday nude (Cork [liner], Hug Me [Lipstick], and Who's That Lady [Gloss]). 

I'm so glad for inspiration! Though I've done this look before, I haven't been really inspired by makeup at all lately...I was just tellin Reina yesterday that I don't even FEEL like a makeup artist, let alone like I wanna continue to work on being one full time.  Makeup is very blah right now. Ech.  So, THANKS GINGER for the inspiration to play again!


Sorry that that first one is a little fuzzy, i don't know why the camera does that. :-(

though these are old colors, I still use them when I want that warm 'n toasty look.  This is a great summer look any year, no matter when the colors debuted. Trust, when next the payroll gods send forth a sacrifice for my diligent work here on Earth, I WILL be making a trip over to to receive my spoils.


Head to the sky, Lovies!

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