Today, Isayah's sick, and I let him stay home from school. I found myself being very nurturing, and it freaked me out. lately, I've also had the desire to do more things with him...which is weird because I normally can't wait to get him somewhere away from me, lol. Could I be enjoying motherhood? *gasp*
*here comes Florida Evans*
Dayummmm, Dayummmm, Daaaayuuuummmmmmmmmmm!!! When did this happen?? I called up one of my girls yesterday to plan a beach trip for our kids (wait, wha?) late next month. And I'm actually looking forward to it! I'm so out of my element with this. I love my son, but I've never loved motherhood. Correction: I ADORE parenthood in January when it's time to file my taxes, and I loved all the attention I got when pregnant (so trifling, yes, I know). But other than that, motherhood was the most thankless, grueling, vampire (becuz it sucks the life out of you sometimes) job anyone will ever do. and for the most part, I've hated it. I do believe that my son is a gift to my life, and I appreciate what his presence has done for my life. But it is work, especially doing it by myself. And it never ends. So it is, at times, difficult, to see the joy for all the sweat dripping into my eyes.
When did this happen??
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