Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Confession: Today I saw a glimmer

...of hope. A tiny flicker of light in this darkness I'm surrounded by right now. A few months back, I joined an online community, Rich Single Momma, headed by a phenomenal woman named Samantha from Atlanta. I was caught up at the time, and couldn't really dedicate any real time to explore the site. Now that I'm on hiatus for a while (and can breathe), I finally took the time to check out the site. And MAN!! It was just the boost I needed!  

Browsing through the articles, reading the comments...I found myself sitting upright screaming at the computer screen "Me too! That happens to me too!" LOL. I found some great articles with great info and links to some really helpful tools. One of the sites a link led me to was a goal tracking tool, Joe's Goals. This particular link leads to my goals page but anyone can sign up for free to create their own page.  I purposely kept my goals list short and simple. That's what I need right now. I'm trying to train my brain to not overwhelm itself by cramming too many things into too little space. Anyway, the site is a wonderful tool for connecting with others like me, and I've already been in touch with Samantha a few times. The focus is mainly financial freedom as a single parent, but there are articles on other things as well. After all, being a single mom isn't just about money. This is the first thing I've connected with in months! I wasn't sure how God would answer my prayers this morning, but I was confident He would. I told Him I would keep my eyes and my heart open for whatever He would send me. And it seems like as soon as I said the words, they floated up to His ears and He began to pour insight into my open heart. Who knew it was as easy as asking?

If you get a chance, check out the site!

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